You should check out Vindolanda while you are up there kicking about Britannia. If you do get down South where civilized Englishmen live, Portsmouth and the Victory and Mary Rose should be seen, as there's no ships like them in the world today.

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The Warrior is also a great visit while you're there, and Portsmouth has some good pubs to enjoy too!

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Room temperature is the only way to drink beer; if you have to chill it to mute the unpleasant flavor, then you shouldn't be drinking it at all. Yeah, I just said that. I will stand by my assertion and defend it against all comers; I ought to know what I'm talking about, I wrote the only drinking guide you'll ever need: https://jokesjournal.substack.com/p/the-three-ages-of-alcohol

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Thanks for the update, and again, hope you have a good trip with a decided shortage of rolling tanks. Believe me, no one wants to see that less than those of us stuck here full-time, haha. There's definitely something special about British pubs too.

I've always had a soft spot for the UK and went several times in my teens, but I haven't been back there since 2008. From what I hear, I suppose it's much the worse for wear these days, but hopefully some of the charm remains in between the roughness. I guess that's one of the striking things about that country, the mixture of extreme mundane ugliness on one side and beauty and history on the other, even more so than most industrial countries.

Oh, and on the off-chance you do want to read even more about children's sitcoms (or if anyone else wants their fill of them while our host is gone), I've finally gotten around to doing a thing on Pete and Pete, which you so kindly encouraged earlier. :)

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When I see the words "The Tale of Dirty Dan" hit my inbox I drop whatever I'm doing. What a tease this was!

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Thanks for the update, have a great trip, a safe trip, and an excellent summer. I will be looking forward to reading what’s next.

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