You don't touch on exactly the sort of apps and games I've been curious about, but this is damn close to sating my curiosity on the inner workings of the various gambling game apps I see advertised all the damned time whenever my VPN decides to disconnect and I open something up on my phone.

I know you probably know the sorts of ads I'm talking about. They tend to be tailored in two or three distinct ways. You've got the colorful and noisy slot apps that show people landing absurd bonuses and make promises like, "All players guaranteed to hit a 20 trillion token bonus in the first ten minutes!" You've got the so-called "influencers" (fuck that term) recording videos of themselves definitely playing those games for real and talking about how they absolutely make four figures per day by just playing this game for three hours, you can make that money, too! Then you've got what I like to call the "buddies ad" approach; poorly acted ads of "friends" hanging out and noticing the hot new game their boy Chester's been playing that's totally changed his life, bro! Look how much money they're promising!

I think it was last October or November where I got curious enough to start trying to research exactly how these games that promise guaranteed payouts are said to manage that. I started looking it up for the gambling games and, naturally, got no hits other than the obnoxious mobile ads we already hate seeing all the time, or ads disguised as videos of people supposedly showing you how to hit your payday easy. I was also curious about the ones that promised an easy passive income just by fiddling with the app. As expected, I could find absolutely nothing explaining exactly how it is that sort of system is meant to work, what needs to be put into it by the users to generate that money, or any information on the legitimacy of how such "services" - I feel so wrong using that term that I genuinely did cringe writing it out, which should suffice to clarify exactly what my thoughts on these apps are - are able to offer these advertised payouts of thousands of dollars per day.

I know there's skeevy shit going on with all of these digital gambling halls, just like there's skeevy shit going on with the casinos. It's why I don't get involved with stuff like that and keep any betting I do to the level you described; the occasional hand of poker or blackjack, or occasionally tossing a twenty on the college brackets my coworkers run every once in a while for a laugh. Otherwise, I try to stay away from as much of that crap as I can. For the record, that includes gacha games.

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And those same gambling apps will fight like hell to avoid any regulation.

Great article, YA! It's depressing how many people are seeking an escape and "easy" money. My oldest stepson is into the meme coin crypto market and yeah, he doesn't see how it's a Ponzi scheme with gambling on when someone is going to cash out. Hopefully some solutions will present themselves for the sports betting industry.

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"This is gooning for boomers."

Harsh but accurate and deserved.

One year I was driving across New Mexico on Thanksgiving. I went by a casino out there in the desert, all by its lonesome (there may have been a gas station nearby but my memory insists that the casino was utterly solitary), and I was struck by how its parking lot was completely full.

I realized then that there is essentially an entire parallel universe out there, of which I have no part, full of people whose highest aspirations are to be found in a slot machine or a craps table.

Also: Ian McNeice for White House press secretary? Ian McNeice as the anchor of every news network show? Tell me that wouldn't be a better world.

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As a man who made good money trading video game items there is a BUNCH of disgusting rot when it comes to gambling there. CSGO and CS2 have nasty infestations.

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You know, I was shocked that the stupids weren’t fucking babies into their stupid women anymore. We used to decry teenage pregnancy but how is this better?

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