Jun 28Liked by Yakubian Ape

"After he got out of prison and — to my knowledge — a registered sex offender, he was hired on a Disney Channel show."

I think I forgot there for half a second or so that we are living in hell. Thanks for the reminder, I guess?

"actor James Mardsen"

What's fun about this is that Marsden was one of the jackoffs who sang "Imagine" when Russia invaded Ukraine.

You know what I like to imagine? While Ukraine burns despite that shitty song you sang? I like to imagine Hollywood getting bulldozed back into the desert.

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You're welcome. It's what I'm here for. For better or worse. Just know I do it to keep everyone on their toes and their wits sharp. So the demons don't get you ;)

That being said, I like to definitely imagine that Hollywood would also burn. Preferably with all the people like Peck still in it.

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Jun 28Liked by Yakubian Ape

First off, welcome back, and hope you enjoyed your trip! I had no idea things were this dark behind the scenes of D&J. Like we've talked about before, being a child/teen actor must be pretty weird and disorienting already, without being subjected to crimes like these. Poor guy. Still, good on Schneider for showing at least some integrity in this case. As you said in the beginning, people are rarely all good or bad.

On a lighter note, I can relate to the "pushing your kid" dilemma. Without boring you with my life story, I think I'm a good example of someone who would have benefited from being pushed more out of my comfort zone by my parents, but in another way I also appreciate the carefree childhood I got to have as it was. I suppose your qualifier of "as long as it's something the child genuinely enjoys" is important here.

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Jun 30Liked by Yakubian Ape

Oh yikes. What a sad and tragic story; not to mention infuriating. Thank you for the compassionate telling of this tale, and I hope you had a wonderful trip.

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Thank you, Jenn - it was a great time. But now we're back to the usual. What a great, light-hearted topic for the return, right?

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Hope you enjoyed your trip good to see you back. Definitely a doozy with this one. Good to know though that these scumbags exist and where they're located. To any parents out there: DON'T LET YOUR KIDS BECOME ACTORS!!!

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Thank you, the trip was excellent. Hopefully I'll get back there sooner rather than later.

That being said, acting is definitely one of the most hazardous endeavors a parent can put their children in, and while I understand why child actors are necessary, I'm hard pressed not to say the juice isn't worth the squeeze and that kids shouldn't be allowed in Hollywood. At least until some serious pressure to add more protections are in place.

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