Jul 10Liked by Yakubian Ape

Well, I mean I could think of another reason von Schmeling's family might be cagey about the ol' family history because you know, a German might end up in South America, for some reason, in 1946, just because...

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Hm. I didn't think about that, but, yes, I do remember reading about Paraguay being second only to Argentina as a prime "vacation" choice for a lot of Germans in very lofty positions of power in the mid-1940's. I'm sure it was just the beautiful scenery, lovely climate, and the fact that it was relatively remote and undeveloped that attracted them there. Why, you could even say that someone who didn't want to be found could really just... disappear down there at the time.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

To be fair, while this country did host a bunch of Nazis (my older relatives and family friends speak of a few, like the one who worked for Hans Rudel, who by then was apparently an honest businessman selling hospital equipment), the vast vast majority of "Germans" come from either late 19th century immigrants or Mennonite, uh, people of rurality. The descendants of the first group look about as German as Cheech Marin, and the second group (which actually hosted the Nazis) are too racist or whatever to breed with the locals.

Oh, German and Swiss retirees too. Forgot those.

For what's it's worth, the woman is virtually unknown in this country. Definitely not an actress here. Like, zero news or knowledge. Only thing I found is "Singer Drake Bell said in a livestream that his son is half-Paraguayan." And believe me, if she was even born here we'd know *everything* about her life and works and Drake Bell would be more of a conversation topic than the goddamn president.

Edit: and if my sources don't fail me, Native American people who live around and work with the Mennonites up in the desert-ish north adopt German names and surnames too.

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When us children of the 90's and our younger siblings, cousins, and friends of the 00's were young, none of us considered the sort of insane roller coasters of stupidity and perversion were going on behind the scenes at Nickelodeon of all places. Just goes to show, you might think you know what's up, but chances are good you're not seeing what's really going on beneath the neatly polished public facing varnish.

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I have now spent more time reading about these shows and these actors than I ever spent watching them and I can only assume it's because this series is so well written that I can't put it down.

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Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I always aspire to be better than daytime sitcoms ;)

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Jul 13Liked by Yakubian Ape

I don't have much to comment on regarding Drake Bell, so I'm going to pick on the marginalia.

I bailed on Homestuck around 2017. The long wait times between story updates, combined with the sheer unwieldy complicated mass of the whole thing, plus my nervous system getting fried by media oversaturation in general so that the flash animations felt physically painful, all led me to do a tuck and roll.

Is the ending good? Is it even comprehensible?

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Short answer: no.

Long answer: It hasn't really even "ended" in a conventional way because nothing about it is conventional.

Longer answer: We'll probably be talking about it soon. Just to give you an idea of what's in the oven ;)

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>Because that’s just what people on the internet do. Some people just lie for the sake of lying. It’s like a sport, almost.


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Wow. This has been a wild ride 😲. Thank you for continuing on with the tale!

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